Legal Info

Legal Infoaccording to § 24 MedG Abs. 3

Media owner / publisher:
Ing. Mag.(FH) Harald Seifert
Lambrechtgasse 8A/10
A-1040 Wien

Disclosure accordning to § 25 MedG Abs. 4

basic information:
On this website we offer our 2 flats in Vienna for rental. This is a private site and these "income from property" are without value added tax according to austrian Income Tax Act.

Responsibility for content

Responsible for the content of
Ing. Mag.(FH) Harald Seifert
Lambrechtgasse 8A/10
A-1040 Wien

Technical responsibility

technical content:
Service-Provider for " internet services Gmbh" (


The layout and the creation of the site and each element like logos, icons, pictures, videos, music and so on are copyrighted. A public usage of using this content has to be affirmated of the site owner.

All copyrights for each content are held by Ing. Mag.(FH) Harald Seifert.


To "" published contents are carefully researched and programmed. Nevertheless, "" not accept responsibility for the correctness. All information made without guarantee. A liability for damages arising from content or services shown on is excluded.

References and links

For direct or indirect references to external Internet pages (links) which are outside the responsibility of "", a liability would only come into effect if, "" was aware of the content and it has been technically possible and reasonable to prevent use of illegal content.

We at " 'therefore declare expressly states that at the time of linking the corresponding linked pages were free of illegal content "" has no influence on the current and future design and content of linked / connected pages. Therefore, the "" editorial dissociates explicitly from the contents of all linked / associated pages which were changed after the link.

This statement applies to all of our Internet links and references. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and especially for damages resulting from the use of information presented there, only the owner of the site referred to, and not the one who has linked to these pages.